Forever in Blue Jeans
Last month, on April 26th, many took to social media, once again to show off their denim as part of a campaign to show support for advocacy against domestic violence and sexual assault. Denim Day began as a result of "a ruling by the Italian Supreme Court where a rape conviction was overturned because the justices felt that since the victim was wearing tight jeans she must have helped her rapist remove her jeans, thereby implying consent ( DenimDayInfo.org ). Wearing denim on Denim Day has become a statement of protest and serves to educate about rape prevention.
Cosmopolitan featured article featuring some throwback styles and suggested one "disrupt your denim style" by creating some creative mix-and-match outfits. The history of jeans can be traced back to 1873 when Jacob Davis and Levi Strauss invented denim or dungaree cloth. "Jeans are named after the city of Genoa in Italy, a place where cotton corduroy, called either jean or jeane, was manufactured ( HistoryofJeans.com ).
When it comes to which shoes to pair with your favorite jeans, you can have your pick because you can either dress denim up or down. In fact, your favorite jeans that you wear to paint in can be worn when you wish to 'paint the town' on a Saturday night. Some clubs are still a bit strict with their dress codes and you will want to check before you head out in denim, especially torn and tattered jeans which are fashionable on the runway but might not make the list when it comes to chic-upscale clubs, especially country clubs.
When it comes to denim, simple can work well, and a cool pair of sandals can work well on a Spring day. Tie a sweater around your waist, throw on some bangles, and enjoy the day. Nothing beats blue jeans!
Remember your purchases will help to support charitable endeavors and you can save when you insert the promo code #trendsetter ( with or without the hashtag ) ... take a look at some of our fun styles that are sure to go well with your jeans! https://www.trendilize.com/collections/ladies/products/sara-z-ladies-jelly-thong-sandal-with-metallic-cutout-upper